Category Archives: Archived Posts

Buses for the January 2023 March for Life

$45 per person – Cost Includes:
– Bus transportation from Holy Spirit Church in Penfield, NY, to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception on the campus of Catholic University in Washington, DC
– Bus transportation from the Basilica to the “Speaker’s Platform” on the National Mall and return transportation to Holy Spirit Church
– Two comfortable coach buses with restrooms and WiFi
– Entertainment and spiritual reflection during bus trip

Click here for more information and to read the flyer!

Respect Life and White Mass

This year Bishop Matano will celebrate the Respect Life Sunday and White Mass together on October 1, 2022 at Sacred Heart Cathedral at the 4 p.m. Vigil Mass. Please join us as we honor life, all those who have worked so hard in support of life this year, and especially those who are in healthcare. The experience of the pandemic continues to impact our diocese, and we would love to honor those who have dedicated their lives to serving those in need through this trying time.

“Catholic Bioethics, Common Sense, and Emotional Pregnancy Cases in a Post-Roe World.”

Join the St. Bernard’s community, either in-person or virtually, on August 30, 2022 from 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., as we celebrate the launch of the Graduate Certificate in Catholic Bioethics! We are thrilled to feature three renowned speakers reflecting upon different dimensions of Catholic Bioethics:

Key Note Speaker: Rev. Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D., Education Director at The National Catholic Bioethics Center
Jean Baric-Parker, D. Be., Program Director of St. Bernard’s Graduate Certificate in Catholic Bioethics
Peter J. Colosi, Ph.D., Assoc. Professor of Philosophy, Salve Regina University; Adjunct Faculty, St. Bernard’s

All three speakers have played an essential role in the development of St. Bernard’s new Graduate Certificate; the evening will also feature more information about this initiative! Fr. Tad will be giving the evening’s keynote talk on, “Catholic Bioethics, Common Sense, and Emotional Pregnancy Cases in a Post-Roe World.”

Click here to view the flyer, Visit St. Bernard’s website for more information and the register

St. Rita Church Racial Healing Prayer Service

In response to the tragic killings in Buffalo this past weekend, St. Rita Parish will host a Racial Healing Prayer Service this Wednesday May 18th at 7pm. Please join us in prayer as we pray for the victims, their families and all who have been touched by this tragedy; and as we continue the hard work of healing and uniting as one human family.

St. Gianna Novena

You are invited to pray a special novena to St. Gianna with Walking with Mom’s in Need, starting Tuesday, April 19 – Wednesday, April 27th. St. Gianna Beretta Molla is a powerful patron for pregnant and parenting mothers. As a physician, wife, and mother, she knew intimately what it was like to struggle with a challenging medical diagnosis during pregnancy. Click here to learn more.


Webinar: Fighting Assisted Suicide Coast to Coast, March 11th 2022

Fighting Assisted Suicide Coast to Coast:
The Big Picture in the States, Federal, and Judiciary

Friday, March 11th 2022
4:00pm to 5:30pm EST

The Patients’ Rights Action Fund and their allies, including the USCCB, fight the legalization of assisted suicide public policy, which is dangerous and discriminatory. You are invited to attend a webinar for a complete update on the fight against assisted suicide and euthanasia on all fronts.

State Update – Barbara Lyons, Coalitions Director of Patients’ Rights Action Fund

Assisted Suicide Legalization Bills – States where introduced and provisions
Assisted Suicide Expansion Bills – States where introduced and provisions
How States are Stretching the Oregon Model
Federal Update – Matt Vallière, Executive Director of Patients’ Rights Action Fund

Bi-partisan Congressional Resolution – How to get involved
Federal Regulation – Provisions and action needed
Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia Push in the Courts – Diane Coleman, CEO & President Not Dead Yet

Overview of how proponents are trying to legalize and expand assisted suicide laws through litigation.

This webinar will include real-time closed captioning and will be signed by an interpreter.
If you have an accommodation request, please email [email protected]

To register, please click here: